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You are so valuable! Oh wait… Let me not jump too far ahead of myself…

Let me start by saying this… Wow, you made it through the first 10 blogs! I am so so proud of you. Seriously! The fact that you started, you took the first step, and continued going, says a lot. Tell me in the comments below, what were your biggest challenges so far? What are some things you struggle with that we could help you with facing? What are some things that are unanswered so far? Feel free to tell us the good, the growth, the challenges, the struggles, and anything you would like to leave in the comments. I promise, they are being read, and we try our absolute best to answer them throughout our posts coming.

Royal, Royalty, Crown, Value, Valuable, Diamond, Diamonds, Rich,

Okay, now back to where I started. Let’s talk about the next big step to take… Valuing yourself, and recognizing the value, the royalty within you! You need to hear it. YOU ARE VALUABLE!!! Perhaps you struggled with believing that in the past, and maybe never really even heard those words before. But that’s the truth. YOU ARE SO VALUABLE!

Recognize Your Worth

It all starts with that first step you take in the beginning of the journey of your growth… You, recognizing some truth in your life. And that might be something that needs to be recognized. Do you know your self-worth? Are you confident in it? If not, that’s not a problem at all. That’s what we’re here for, together. To support, and help finding that royalty within you.

Hear, Diamond, Value, Valuable, Precious, Worth, Royal

You constantly hear people saying ‘you need to heal’, ‘let go of that brokenness’, ‘move on from it’… etc. It’s interesting… Oftentimes, it’s not that you don’t want to, it’s that you can’t, because you have no idea how to. So where are those people at when you actually are ready, and need to find out how to? What are some steps to take to get there?

Healing is not easy, it’s not an immediate thing, and it all starts within you. Think about it… where is your heart located? Is it in a book? Is it in your head? Do you find it in a different room where you have to find it? No. Your heart was created and put inside of you. That’s where the healing of your brokenness takes place. But you have to make the choice to want it. You are the one realizing, and deciding when you are truly ready for it to begin and take place. And you can’t do that until you are ready, and realize your value.

To Grieve is a Valid Step

You’ve already started the healing journey… Now allow for brokenness within you to be revealed to you. One of the big revelations in my life was that in order to heal, you have to take time to grieve. I didn’t know that. I thought that just by thinking positive, and acting positive, and pushing things under the rug, it’s done. It’s over. It’s taken care of. Just like that. But that was not true. I continued carrying so much brokenness around with me, and didn’t even realize it. One toxic relationship after another. One moment of hurt after another, and I had no idea why. Until I had a complete melt-down.

During a very low time in my life, I started talking to great ladies, mentors… that were several steps ahead of me. I received amazing advice from them. They supported me, and walked every step with me, because they went through that before I did. They experienced a lot of similar things. Let me tell you… They were God-sent resources to help for my healing to take place. It started with me, realizing that I am valuable too. I kept expecting people to treat me as a valuable being… but I wouldn’t treat myself that way. We can’t expect other people to do that, or treat us that way, if we don’t do that for ourselves first.

No Shame in the Game

I got to reach out to an amazing, phenomenal, real trauma specialist therapist that helped me recognize where the roots of it all was. She didn’t judge me in any type of way. A strong, bold, Christian lady, that was able to show me what it looked like to be truly loved, appreciated, and valued… even with hidden actions from the past that were not brought to the surface before. She walked by me and supported me one small piece at a time, and helped me to recognize that healing takes time, and doesn’t always happen in the immediate moment as many people falsely portrait. She helped me recognize my value, my purpose that God intended for me the second He created me, and encouraged me to step out of the comfort zone, and be okay with it.

High Value, Value, Valuable, Diamond, Precious, Beautiful, Gem, Gems, Ruby, Saphire

You are on your journey. You are taking steps to start realizing your purpose. Because you have one. Don’t jump ahead of yourself, and cut yourself short. It’s the moment you release the control you try to have, and start to trust the process, that helps let go of that anxiousness that keeps coming to the surface. In that moment, you feel release. You feel a heaviness come off you. Sure, you might have moments here and there where you take it back, because let’s be real… That’s what you are used to. It’s what you were doing for quiet some time, and as mentioned before, it takes time to break habits. This is one of them. Don’t condemn yourself in those times… just release it again.

It feels like a rollercoaster… but be honest, you’ve been on rollercoasters before, right? You decided to give it a shot. Maybe you liked it, maybe you didn’t… But there was some fun in taking that risk, and sitting on that ride, feeling that wind all around you, having that feeling inside you of lightness, and heaviness as you went up and down.

If You Won’t… Who Will?

It’s time to start building a healthy relationship with yourself. That means you start valuing yourself. The lack of valuing ourselves is one of the major problems in marriages, one of the major problems in relationships… and that includes the relationship with ourselves. Once you start recognizing your own value, you won’t get into those toxic, unhealthy relationships any longer. And if you do, you are a lot quicker in breaking them off than you have before. You begin setting healthy boundaries for yourself.

Boundaries, Standards, Value, Recognize,

Once you start valuing yourself, you automatically don’t allow people around you to just treat you the way they want to anymore. Once you recognize that you are valuable, you automatically start having good and healthy relationships. It’s interesting… When you start valuing yourself, you will slowly seeing certain people disappear out of your life, and those were not the good, healthy relationships to have. Perhaps they stuck around because you did any, and everything for them. You said yes to anything they asked of you. You were their emotional trash-bag, their daily ride, their free babysitter on a constant basis, but what did they do for you when you needed it?

Once you start slowly recognizing your royalty within you, you set boundaries for yourself. A lot of people won’t accept it, and will try to drag you back into your old paths, so be careful. Be aware of who you are surrounded with, and if they are not healthy, be honest with yourself, and let them go. As you take those small steps, a lot of truth will come to the surface that maybe, before you weren’t able to face. And that’s okay… but be willing to face those giants now, in order to break free from it. Take the time to grief that you need, in order to let it go, and move on. You are absolutely worth it, and are more valuable than every diamond in the world, no matter what was done to you. Your value doesn’t decrease because of that.

I could go on and on about this subject, because there is so much more to say about it. But I don’t want to overwhelm you with it all at once 😊. And I can’t keep the blogs too long… so I will definitely talk a little more about it with you later on, promise. One step at a time! Start with small things, that is completely okay! You got this!

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