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Have you been called weird before and weren’t quite sure how to take it? Have you ever thought about what the actual meaning of weird really is? A lot of us have been called ‘weird’ before and many of us were hurt by it. Why is that? Could it be that in our mind we are connecting it to something negative? Is it because of something we were told, or something we experienced in our past? Think about it for a short moment, what is the meaning of “weird” to you?

When called “weird”, it can be a hurtful experience for anyone. It’s easy to feel ostracized or misunderstood when others label you as such. But what does being called weird really mean? And why do people use this term to describe others? Today, we’ll look deeper into what it means to be called weird, how to respond to it, how to change perspective on it, and ultimately how to build confidence in your unique qualities.

The Actual Meaning of “Weird”

Usually, the word “weird” has a negative connotation, but what is the actual meaning of weird? According to the dictionary, weird means “suggesting something supernatural; uncanny; fantastic; bizarre.” So, essentially, it means that something is outside of the norm or what we are used to. In a social context, it’s often used to describe someone who behaves or thinks differently than the majority of people around them.

Labeling Results from Lack of Understanding the Meaning of “Weird”

Label, labeling, normal, abnormal, weird, acceptance, acceptable, unacceptable, Fit in, Stand out, Unique

People call others weird for a variety of reasons, but it often comes down to the fact that they don’t understand the person or their behavior. In other words, people tag you as weird, because it’s not what they are used to. It’s something they’ve never seen before, or don’t see very often. Is that fair to you? No. But they don’t know how to respond to it in that moment, so they try to put it on you by calling you weird. Oftentimes, that label is used by people in order to make themselves feel better, or to distance themselves.

Another common reason for people to use the term “weird” is because of societal pressure to conform. From a very young age we are taught to follow the norms and expectations of our culture. From a very young age we were told to not be ourselves, but instead to fit into a box that we were never made to fit in to. So, when someone deviates from these norms, it can be seen as a threat to the status quo. The problem is, rather than embracing differences, some people may choose to label others as weird in an attempt to maintain the social order.

When Understanding the Meaning, How Do You Respond to Being Called Weird?

The common, natural feeling to being called weird usually is intimidation, hurt or embarrassment. But how you respond to the comment can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself and how others will start perceiving you. Now, after understanding what the true meaning of weird actually is, let’s look at some ways and strategies to help you seeing “weird” from a different point of view, which will help how you feel about it and starting to see the positive in it.

Outstanding, different, Stand Out, Unique, Not fit in,

First, try your absolute best to acknowledge the comment without reacting emotionally. I know, it’s much easier said than done, but you can do it. I know you can! Instead of lashing out or shutting down (my weakness 😉), try to stay calm and acknowledge the comment. So, next time you’re being called weird, try to say something like: “Thank you for sharing your opinion, but I prefer to think of myself as unique rather than weird.”

Another good way to deal with it is to use humor to defuse the situation. Sometimes, the best way to respond to a hurtful situation is with humor. I understand, this is not easy to do either, especially when you’re caught in the moment and you’re having the feeling of hurt coming up inside you. So yes, this might take a little practice and that’s completely okay. If someone calls you weird, try to respond with a witty comeback like: “I prefer the term ‘eccentric’.” This can help to diffuse the situation and show that you’re not bothered by the comment.

Challenge the Negativity in “Weird” and Flip it to Positive

Challenge negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself. These thoughts can be deeply ingrained and may have been reinforced by others, but they are not necessarily true. Start by identifying negative thoughts and beliefs that you have about yourself, such as “I’m not good enough” or “I’m too weird.” Then, challenge these thoughts by asking yourself if they are really true and providing evidence to the contrary. For example, if you think you’re not good enough, remind yourself of your accomplishments and strengths. Over time, this practice can help you develop a more positive and confident self-image.

Of course there is always the option to flip the script. Flipping the script is another good strategy to deal with being called weird. You see, what’s important is to not let someone else define you. Oftentimes we do that because we’ve been called weird and take it very personal. But instead of letting someone else define you, try to take control of the narrative. Perhaps say something like: “Yes, I am different, and I’m proud of that. It’s what makes me who I am.” This response can help to shift the conversation away from the negative connotations of the word “weird” and towards a more positive perspective. You are allowed to express your emotions, there is no shame in that.

Dealing with ‘Being Called Weird’ is a Must to Overcome it

Weird, Different, Stand Out, Outstanding, Unique, Positive, Flip Script, Limited, Limited Edition, View, Normal

Being called weird can be a painful experience and that has to be recognized. It’s okay to feel hurt or upset about it. But there are things that need to be done in order to cope with the negative feelings and move forward. You’re not doing that for the other person, you are doing it for you… and you most definitely deserve it and owe it to yourself.

Most of us had chapters in life where we ‘just wanted to fit in’. Many of us still struggle with that every now and then. But in order to cope with being called weird and seeing the true meaning of weird for what it actually, truly is, we need to recognize that everyone is unique. Every single person on this earth. That includes you. Yes, some people are doing great at hiding it with the imposter syndrome for example, but that can only be held up for so long. We are all different in our own way, and that’s something to be celebrated.

Next time you’re being called weird, try to remember that what they really mean is that you’re different from them. But that’s not a bad thing. It’s what makes you who you are. You are unique and so valuable. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of being called weird, try to focus on the positive of it. Being called weird is not what defines you, so don’t see it as that. It’s time to break free from the hurtful label of being called weird and build your confidence in it instead.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

Think of all the outstanding people… To be outstanding, they have to stand out. That’s exactly what their label says, right? Outstanding. In order to stand out, you have to be different. And you are different because of your uniqueness. So embrace your uniqueness. Remember that everyone has quirks and differences that make them special. Instead of trying to fit in with the crowd, celebrate your individuality and the things that make you stand out. This can help you build confidence and feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Identity, Unique, Valuable, Value, One in a Million, Limited, Limited Edition, Outstanding, Stand out, Fingerprint

One of the best ways to build confidence and overcome the stigma of being called weird is to surround yourself with positive people who accept and appreciate you for who you are. Seek out friends and acquaintances who share your interests and values, and who encourage you to be yourself. Keep in mind, we talked about that not too long ago, you decide who you want to be in your circle of friends. Avoid people who are negative or judgmental, as they can bring you down and make you feel worse about yourself. Remember, you deserve to be surrounded by people who lift you up and make you feel good about yourself.

To See Weird as a Good Thing

Weird is a good thing… if you think of it that way. Society has made us believe that it is a negative thing, when it actually is not. To be different (or weird as some people call it), is a positive thing. That is the moment when you know, you made it to be completely yourself. A lot of people struggle to be able to do that. But know, we are not here to fit into people’s boxes, or to people please. Break out of it. All the geniuses, the successful multi-millionaires and billionaires, were labeled as “weird” before their success started shining.

Another important aspect of building is practicing self-care and self-love. This means taking care of your physical and emotional needs, and treating yourself with kindness and compassion. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, exercising, or spending time in nature. Practice positive self-talk and challenge negative thoughts about yourself. Remember, you are unique and valuable just the way you are, and you deserve to treat yourself with love and respect.

Limited Edition

Mandy Hale said: “So you’re a little weird? Work it! A little different? OWN it! Better to be a nerd than one of the herd!” Try going forth to see being called weird as a compliment. The true meaning of weird is that you are daring, you are bold and exceptional. Once someone calls you that, it lets you know that you are unique, authentic and very special. Own it. Being called weird is like being called “limited edition”. Do you know the value of limited edition? Oh, those things are of very high value! Embrace it!!

Let me finish with saying this… When you’re feeling down from being called weird, it can be easy to focus on your flaws and shortcomings. I get it. I understand. However, this only reinforces negative beliefs about yourself and can make it harder to build confidence. So, with that said, this week, try to focus on your strengths and accomplishments. Make a list of things you’re good at or proud of, no matter how small they may seem. This can help shift your focus to the positive aspects of yourself and build a more positive self-image.

Additionally, try to set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate your successes along the way. This can help you feel more confident and motivated to continue growing and improving. YOU GOT THIS! I promise, you will love the changes this will bring within you! You are not weird, you are unique, and that’s what makes you amazing as you are!!!

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